Confidentiality Agreement
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1. In return for providing information to me in the course of my assignment as a Temporary Worker with Paraclete HealthcareI promise to do the following in relation to the information given to me or obtained by me in the course of such placement (the “Information”):
• I promise to hold the Information in the strictest confidence, and to ensure that it is kept in a safe and secure place when not in use. I acknowledge that no Information is to be removed from Customer premises without the prior written consent of the Customer;
• I promise to use the Information solely for the purpose of the work for which I have been given such Information; and
• I promise not to disclose the Information to any third party or to copy or reproduce the Information except as may be strictly necessary in the proper course of my duties and as expressly authorised by the Customer.
2. I agree that any breach of this undertaking by me or any third party to whom I release the Information may result in legal proceedings being commenced against me, including but not limited to a claim for recovery of any losses, damages, costs and expenses (including indirect and consequential losses) suffered or incurred by the Customer and/or Comensura as a result of that breach.
3. This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.